How to Register for a GoToWebinar



Adding the webinars to your iPhone Calendar

Step 1: On your iPhone, after you register for the webinar click on “Tap to install”.

Step 2: Click on “Add to Calendar”

Step 3: Click “Add” in the top right corner.

Step 4: See the event on your iPhone calendar.


How to Get on a GoToWebinar


If you want to learn more about how the Webinar works, then click the links below to read the Attendee Guides for PC Users or Mac Users: Attendee Guide for GotoWebinar PC or Mac Users


Once you are in “GoToWebinar” you will see the following:


If you are using your computer, you need to have a good headset to talk to me live. It’s much easier to talk to me on the phone. So I recommend the phone method for interaction.

NOTE:  The PIN number is not available until the moderator starts the conference, so if you join early, you’ll have to wait for the PIN to appear.

Here is a Sample Webinar Reminder


To adjust the size/zoom of the GoToWebinar screen, see screenshot below:

Make sure you are NOT on full screen view, then click on “Zoom” and a dropdown box will appear with different options.  ‘Scale to Fit’ is a great option.


To unmute yourself, see screenshot below:

Click on the microphone icon or the word “MUTED” to unmute from your end.  Our team will unmute you from our end.

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